I have had a rough week. I spent most of Friday at Urgent Care, where they were trying to figure out what was wrong. Turns out, I have stomach ulcers. So that's fun. Today, I'm standing up straight for the first time in over a week. (It was much less painful to be curled up in the fetal position with a heating pad before.)
Also, we are going to be implementing new Xbox rules around here. I am sick to death of Minecraft and all things Minecraft related. Thaddeus' career goal is to be a famous YouTuber who posts Minecraft tutorials. Gag me. They're actually making a video right now, and I just don't get it. Oh well, there's things I like that they don't. (However, the things that I like don't occupy my whole mind every moment of every day, and I am still able to have conversations about things OUTSIDE of my personal interests.) I have even instituted a new dinner rule called: No talking about Minecraft at the table. See also: NOBODY CARES.
Tomorrow is Columbus Day. This is a dumb holiday, and means that my kids don't have to go to school. I have no idea what we'll do instead, but I'm sure it will involve my kicking the kids outside, then locking the door... Because I have to force people to act like children.
I also want to color my hair. I don't know if I want to go darker or lighter though. Probably lighter, but no guarantees there. Ooh, also, we have paid off a credit card. It feels pretty good. Pretty much my whole paycheck goes to paying off my medical bills and such. It's super fun to have multiple diseases that require whole teams of specialists.