I've made things out of socks before, like elephants and cats and pigs and stuff. And now you all know how to make a beanbag sock octopus, but what other sock animals are out there? This is what Pinterest had to show me about it:
http://homemadebyjill.blogspot.com/2010/05/sock-animal-rattle-tutorial.html |
http://httpecho.deviantart.com/art/Horse-little-sock-doll-91916750 |
http://www.thebooandtheboy.com/2009/12/new-stuff.html http://www.etsy.com/shop/supersockmonkeys/ |
http://www.etsy.com/transaction/79259400 |
http://www.etsy.com/listing/88495645/animal-tail-fox-pretend-soft-knitted-toy?ref=af_circ_favitem |
There are lots of sock animal tutorials out there plus lots of finished animals for sale. Sock animals are the coolest because. When I was a kid I had a doll made out of a sweat sock that I named Charlie. His yellow yarn hair fell off, so I safety pinned it back to his head. And then one summer my mom sold him in a yard sale for ten cents. It was pretty devastating.
What about you, did you have a sock animal as a kid?
And remember, you can always check out our pins on pinterest if you want to see more stuff we like!