June 5, 2012

Tuesday Tell All + Stuff We Love!

We are going to start a new tradition here at Peonies & Poppyseeds, and THAT, my dears, is the Tuesday Tell-All.

The thing is, we KNOW that you are awesome, and that you are doing fabulous things. We see you on twitter, and we follow you on instagram. I mean, YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING, and everyone should know. SO.

On Tuesdays, we're going to tell you what we love this week, and then you're going to link up your blogs and tell us what you love/made/hate/etc this week. THERE ARE NO RULES! Well, I mean, keep it family friendly and what not, but link! To whatever! However many times you want! Yay you guys!

And you can even use this handy dandy blog button to let people know that you're playing along. ;)

Peonies & Poppyseeds

So what did we love this last week?

For starters, the Summer 2012 issue of the Casual Blogger Magazine is out. It's gorgeous, as usual. And pretty helpful too. Of course, since it's our magazine, we're pretty biased, but also, since you read our blog, you're ALSO biased. TIS HOW IT WORKS.

We also loved this Hair Chalking tutorial from Kandee Johnson. (And I would highly recommend hair chalking your hair, and your kids.... it's summer! Why not!)

Now it's your turn! Link up below!