And now, let me tell you how you can make your very own TP Roll Monster with your kids.
First, you need to go to the bathroom. And wipe yourself. And blow your nose. Then repeat. Until you have a naked TP Roll. Or 6.
Then you need to download the monster parts.
And then you need to print them. I suggest printing them on cardstock, if you have it. We actually didn't have cardstock so this tutorial will also include steps for if you don't happen to have cardstock either.
Once you have the parts printed, gather your supplies.
You'll need the TP Rolls, scissors, glue, tape, stapler, pipe cleaners and a piece of cardstock of any color. Oh, and also get your kids. And if you want, get some crayons or markers.
Then stab your scissors through your TP Roll on both sides.
Then shove a pipe cleaner through the holes.
Then cut out your hands and feet and glue them to the cardstock. (This is to reinforce them, since I knew my kids will be playing with these and I didn't want them to fall apart TOO quickly.)
Then cut out the hands and feet again, as well as all the other parts. Glue your eyes, nose and mouth to the TP Roll. And you can draw on the roll with a crayon or marker if you want. OR if you want to get all crazy fancy, you could have painted the roll before doing anything else. (Except then you'd have to let the paint dry and I personally don't like two-session crafts with my kids, especially when it involves TP Rolls, you know what I mean?)
Next, staple your hands to the ends of the pipe cleaners.
And fold the pipe cleaner over the staple in the hope that it will stay on longer.
Then tape your feet on. I put tape on the front and inside the tube, for extra sturdiness. But, obviously, you shouldn't be expecting these to live for centuries. It's made out of a TP Roll for heavens sake.
The last thing you need to do is take a picture of the finished TP Roll Monsters and add the first dorky caption that enters your mind.
And THAT, dear friends, is how to make TP Roll Monsters. And my kids did most of the cutting. And it was awesome.
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