At any rate, we have our own version of the love languages in our home, and they are as follows:
1. TV
When you watch stupid reality TV with me, it's like you are saying, "Caroline, I love you." Likewise, when I watch anything on the Science Channel or any show where the main character has a creepy mustache, it's the equivalent of me saying, "I heart you too."
Teasing is acceptable, nay, even encouraged in our home. To know us it to laugh at us, and seriously folks, if your kids never get made fun of until they're in high school, they won't know how to handle it. True wit is a learned art form.
Late night errands usually involve a trip to Taco Bell or the pharmacy. And who goes depends on a plethora of things like: who has already put their pajama's on, what is the weather currently like outside, does it involve getting out of the car, and has Caroline already removed her make-up?
How about your house? How do you guys "show your love" (and don't be skeezy.)