And truth be told, it’s because I’m in the midst of about 5 new top secret projects, that I can’t quite share with you yet.
AND school was cancelled 4 days last week.
Plus also, I had to speak in church on Sunday, so I was in “church speaking mode” and not “blog speaking mode”…
I spoke about Charity.
Other fun things that happened this week include my sister getting engaged to the boy that I like.
Remember how I was scheming a way for them to fall in love?
This just goes to show that I’m a good matchmaker.
I have a success rate of 100%.
I also probably unfriended you on Facebook last week. Don’t take it personally, I’m not even friends with all the people I’m related to.
And that’s pretty much it for now.
P.S. This was my 1000th post. I just felt like telling you that.