And while I was gazing into the depths of my soul, I realized that I could really use a facial.
So I started rummaging through my bathroom cupboards, because I ALWAYS have at least one type of face mask on hand.
EXCEPT of course, for today. Because I needed it. And that's the way my world works. (It's just as lousy as it sounds)
As I was sitting there, my eyes became fixated on a certain hair removal product....
And as I stared at this lovely depilatory cream, I thought to my self, "Well, if it will disintegrate hair follicles, it will probably disintegrate the crap in my pores..."
So I put it on my face.
(You know, in the T-Zone.)
The first minutes was good.
Minute two was a little more uncomfortable.
Minute three moved from discomfort to actual burning,
And minute four was when I finally rinsed the stuff off my face.
Now, while this may sound stupid to
1. My pores are clear.
2. My skin is tight.
In fact, I'd say it was the equivalent to a chemical peel.. you know, but cheaper, over the counter and kinda rogue.
Totally doing it again.