Anyways. I am constantly in awe when I come to this blog. Aren't you? I mean, this woman is just impressive right? She has what, like 8 kids? I dont really know how she manages without shock collars and cages but she rocks. My one makes me insane on a daily basis. But I'll let you in on a little secret.

See those kids? That's mine, the tall one, on the left. The pretty little girl in the middle? 2 months older than him. On the right, her little brother, and with her back to us, their little sis, just recently turned 1. These 4 get together, and chaos ensues. The kids belong to one of my best friends in the world. We were pregnant together and our babies have pretty much grown up together. Those 3 kids are the closest thing I have to being an aunt, seeing that I am an only child.
My secret? I LOVE watching the 3 of them. Specifically, I love having the 4 of them together creating havoc. The chaos and my ability to control it all makes me feel really successful. More successful than anything I've ever accomplished in the professional world. The last time I went to stay at their house, I cooked, I cleaned up, and I wrangled all of them. They drove me crazy. They fought. They complained. They made messes. But they also laughed. They ran. They played. They hugged and kissed. They had a blast.

And so did I.
Does this mean I'm destined for lots of kids like our MomBabe? Maybe. I can only hope to be so blessed.
Thanks for letting me come take up some of your space doll! XOXOXO