So today is packing day. Because we're leaving for vacation tomorrow! go us! Which means that I have about 1.65876516857431 million things to do before we leave. Thank goodness my lovely sister in law has offered to take 3 kids off my hands for a few hours this morning.
Last night DadGuy started telling me to make sure I remember to pack a few things.....
"Well, you know we need like 6 outfits for everyone."
"And underwear. Don't forget underwear."
"Did you get sunscreen?"
GAH. No, I was planning on letting my pale white children go to sunny Florida naked. Hope we don't get burned. Sheesh.
I think he forgot that he's the one that forgets to pack things.... Which is why I now pack his bag. And has he not realized that I make lists? Seriously folks, he's so used to my master list that he may have forgotten that sometimes (alright, daily) I make new lists.
Now, you'll have to excuse me because I have to call my lovely SIL and tell her to stop and get me a huge Dr. Pepper.
(I know I "stopped drinking" them. Who am I kidding. That only lasted 2 weeks. I guess I'll just die really young. shrug. At least I'm comforted by the fact that we have killer life insurance.... Is that an oxymoron? Why I do believe it is.)