I got this next one from the illustrious MamaWise

Miss Moxie bestowed this one on me.

Now for the fun part. I decided that I should have an award to call my own. And since I'm the MomBabe, all you guys are my little babies....uh, I mean, babes. in training. I mean, uhh, you're totally Babalicious. I mean, I'm giving this to you. Nicki and Mr. Lady and MamaWise

This next one goes to my some of my favorite blogs. OhMommy, Paige, Kayleen, Lauren, and the Pineapple Princess. Pass it on to the blogs you puffy heart.

And last but most certainly not least, there's some chicka's out there that Just. Get. Me. And I great big puffy heart them but I thought this was so much more appropriate. Evancalous, and Huckdoll, and Nola, and Celia? This one's for you.

The only rule with this one? Is to pass it on to people who will appreciate it most. You know who they are.
And that concludes tonight's award ceremony.
MomBabe out!