First off, we have the tree.....
Which beheld the loot......
(she has NO IDEA what's going on...)
Did I mention I got one of these? Or did you already figure that one out?
The happy family.....
(all of us before SOME of us decided it was too windy....)
(the rest of us after some of us went inside..... big babies......)
The Fun Activity
which is now known as eat as much candy and frosting as you can before mom puts it on the graham crackers. No, I don't know why she thought we would put candy anywhere besides out mouths.
The day AFTER......
in which we shamelessly invited ourselves up to the cabin with our cousins and then proceeded to eat their food and sit in front of the fireplace.....
(*sidenote* how cute do I look? seriously. I look danged cute.)
and how could I ever forget,
The Goodies.....
raspberry meringue bars
turtle brownies..... mmmmm.
Oh, and a big THANK YOU to everyone who sent me a Christmas card. I LOVE to get fun notes in the mail and every time I got to open a Christmas card? I did a happy dance. No really, I did. Yes, I am that big of a dork.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!