So the desktop is a week late. This is because I moved out to the boonies, and had to get internet satellite, and REAL life internet satellite for consumers is nothing like the military grade internet satellite that I see in the movies. I mean, GOSH, people. I just want to do some blogging.
At any rate, all technical difficulties on MY end have been cleared up, so I am finally able to give you this month's free computer desktop.
(regular sized monitor) (Wide screen monitor)

This months desktop was made using My Memories Suite, our fave digital scrapping software, and a kit from Michelle Underwood! My Memories software is SUPER user friendly, and you don't have to be a computer wizard to create amazing projects! To read more about why it's our favorite, and to get a $10 coupon off your software purchase, visit this link, or head to their site now and enter code STMMMS32407 at checkout.