But I just had to, you know, UPDATE and everything.
I'm home from the hospital. They wanted me to stay another FEW DAYS and I was all, NO EFFING WAY. Because as nice as a hospital induced mom-cation is, those hospital beds are kinda lousy and uncomfortable.
I'm also going to tell you that is is somewhere near 4 in the morning, and I'm awake and plan to stay that way until I can take another pill. In the meantime, I just have to deal. And by "deal" I mean, "mark all items as read" in my google reader. Have big news? Leave me a comment. Otherwise, I shall continue to "mark all items as read" and be blissfully unawares of the current state of your well being.
Oh, and the update thing. Well. I'm home. I feel better TODAY than I did LAST WEEK before I had major abdominal surgery. That's really saying something, isn't it?
I am also swollen to the size of an elephant. No seriously. I am wearing maternity underwear and it is TIGHT. I am also typing with big fat sausage fingers which makes me have errors all over the place. Thank goodness for spell check.
My incision is enormous. It spans my entire belly, not that I can see it, you know, SWOLLEN and all. And it is also bruised like crazy because well, I'm a peach. I bruise easy. I always have some part of me that's black and blue, at least this time, I know why.
So, um, that's all for now. I'm home, I'm good. My sister is the bestest slave ever. end scene.